Pauline Marsh (First Port) has just come back to BPRA committee with consolation results and unfortunately there wasn’t enough responses from affected households to make a decision. Out 48 households who were sent letters with consultation only 16 have replied! We know that some of the residents didn’t receive letter with consultation and hence committee have been notifying affected people with messages on NextDoor, BPRA website as well as door to door knocking and advising send email to Pauline with their vote. But looks like that wasn’t enough!
Don’t despair! We have another plan! We are going to contact Pauline and propose the plan that we, the BPRA committee, will go door to door with petition and proposed solutions and personally collect people’s responses!!!
Bear with us! Not all hope is lost!
Update: Pauline Marsh has agreed that door to door survey is the best course of action to take this forward! BPRA committee is going to organise exactly that.

Update 16 July: The committee done door to door petitioning over last few days and here are the results.
32 out of 48 households voted ?
14 households were unavailable
31 voted for option 3 ?
1 voted for option 4 ?
So over the 50% households voted in favour of removing the seating, including reconfiguring the area with new planting and new fencing! The petition results will be passed to First Port ASAP!