We have issued our first BPRA Newsletter, covering the first 3 months since we started. A copy is being distributed in Bexley Park in the coming days.
We have been busy, we have met with our MP, about to meet…
Extended deadline to submit your choices is 10 June 2021!
The residents of certain addresses of Bexley Park estate should have received the letter from First Port with question what do they want to do with seating area at…
Here are some great presentations on the problem we face with First Port! Please take a look and JOIN US! to take control of our development!
What’s the Problem?
The BBC also reported this issue here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-46279048
The quickest way to join us is to fill the JOIN US! form on our home page AND then request to join the private group "Bexley Park Residents Association" on the website www.nextdoor.co.uk! This way our membership officer has all…