Dear all Since the close of ballot over the summer the residents association have been working with HAUS and our solicitor Charlotte Collins Head of Litigation at Jobsons Solicitors. To say First Port have been obstructive even though they…
Dear neighbours
Until advised otherwise please continue to pay your service charge in the normal way to First Port, all residents will be advised of any changes, once we have an further update. At the present time First Port…
Dear residents
Since we served notice to First Port in August of our right to Manage our development. As predicted First Port are not responding to our notice served by our solicitors Charlotte Collins Head of Litigation at Jobsons…
Hi all
The BPRA have informed that Kent County Council will be carrying out a traffic survey on Pinewood Place in both directions towards Maypole School Franklin Road, to gauge if speeding traffic is a problem and if Pinewood should…
Dear residents,
Following the ballot and confirmation from the solicitors acting on behalf of BRRA/Bexley Park Residents Limited, we are pleased to share that the final ballot was as follows:
Votes cast:
Edenwood:- Out of 185 properties 103 in favour,…

Please make sure your voices are heard - vote now!
Our committee agreed that our independent solicitor would be validating the votes and serve notice to FirstPort should we be successful in obtaining 50% of all residents vote by 15…

Please find brochure attached explaining who are Haus Block Management!

In case you were wondering how the new setup between Haus BM and BPRA will work, here are some frequently asked questions answered by our brilliant volunteer Jodie.
We are looking to set up a ‘Resident Management Company’ (RMC) who…

Your voting papers are now being distributed. Please take a minute and return your votes.

Please join BPRA to help us to get rid of First Port and take control of our money!
BBC Rip Off Britain - First Port Property Management - YouTube