Dear all
Since the close of ballot over the summer the residents association have been working with HAUS and our solicitor Charlotte Collins
Head of Litigation at Jobsons Solicitors.
To say First Port have been obstructive even though they agree with the validity of the ballot, is an understatement!
Charlotte has drafted the following statement for our members, we will again update via ND amd website when we have further information.
Best wishes
Chair BPRA
Dear Leaseholder,
Proposed Change of Management at Bexley Park.
This is a note as to the current position and the way in which we are hoping to progress the above proposal.
We have now heard from First Port’s solicitors and the process which they wish to adopt is extremely complicated and unnecessary. For that reason our solicitor is challenging the necessity for this and suggesting a simpler way in which this can be achieved.
In tandem with this we will also be seeking a barrister’s opinion as to the methods we can use to seek a favourable interpretation of the lease and/or challenge the way in which First Port may seek to make the alteration of management over-complicated.
We will update you all further when we hear from First Port’s solicitors or receive the barrister’s opinion.
We appreciate that this is not a fast process and many thanks for your continued support.
Kind regards
Charlotte Collins
Head of Litigation at Jobsons